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Numerical Modelling of Soil Liquefaction and Rock Fracture

作者:   来源:土木GG Poker下载      发布日期:2023-10-18   浏览:
报告地点:土木GG Poker下载 北楼二楼报告厅
主讲人:Andrew Hin Cheong CHAN


Andrew Hin Cheong CHAN(陳衍昌),1961年生于中国香港,European Engineer教授。Prof.Chan1982年获香港大学土木工程学士,1985年获香港大学土木工程硕士并获Croucher Foundation(裘槎基金)奖学金,1989年在英国皇家学会会员、有限元法先驱O. C. Zienkiewicz教授指导下于获Wales University - Swansea博士学位,后又在英国皇家学会会员AN Schofield教授指导下于Cambridge University(剑桥大学)完成博士后研究。

Prof.Chan先后在Glasgow University(格拉斯哥大学),University of Birmingham(伯明翰大学),Federation University Australia(澳大利亚联邦大学),University of Tasmania(塔斯马尼亚大学)等高校任职,曾任伯明翰大学GG Poker下载 副院长、澳大利亚联邦大学信息科技与工程GG Poker下载 副院长,塔斯马尼亚大学工程GG Poker下载 院长等职。

Prof. Chan以第一作者或合作者发表了120余篇期刊论文和170余篇会议论文,与O. C. Zienkiewicz教授等合作出版了专著《Computational Geomechanics with special reference to Earthquake Engineering》,并以第一作者出版了该著作的第二版《Computational Geomechanics: Theory and Applications》。Prof. Chan是有限元法在土的动、静力全耦合分析和孔隙流体相互作用研究领域的权威,编写了两个大型有限元软件包,用于可变形多孔介质和孔隙流体相互作用分析。Prof. Chan担任Computers and Structures, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Deep Underground Science and Engineering等国际期刊编委,主要研究领域为:

1. The development of new numerical solution procedures for the fully coupled non-linear soil and pore fluid interaction in static steady state, consolidation and dynamic transient application in geotechnical engineering.

2. The development of numerical soil models to model the liquefaction and cyclic mobility of soil under cyclic or repeated loading condition such as earthquake and wave actions.

3. Numerical Integration of elasto-viscoplastic constitutive relations.

4. Discrete Element Method with Darcy's Flow, Lattice Boltzmann and Computational Fluid Dynamics for the modelling of soil erosion due to pipe leakage.