主办单位:苏州科技大学GG Poker下载
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GG Poker下载
The study evaluates the reliability of the WP4C chilled-mirror dew-point hygrometer, commonly used for measuring soil total suction using the vapor equilibrium technique. It found discrepancies between the WP4C measurements for soil specimens and those for the corresponding vapor equilibrium saline solution, particularly when measuring suctions below 10 MPa. This variance was attributed to differences in vapor diffusion, arising from the presence of both liquid and solid evaporation surfaces in soil, unlike the solely liquid surface in saline solutions.
To address this, the study altered the WP4C sample cups to expose varying solution surface areas, which represent different volumetric water contents in soil. Findings indicated that total suction measurements increased as the solution surface area decreased. Using these observations, a new correction equation for the WP4C was developed and validated with experimental data and literature review, significantly enhancing the device’s measurement precision.
Hossam Abeul-Naga 教授,现任澳大利亚拉筹伯大学土木工程系主任,重庆大学兼职教授。曾担任英国曼彻斯特大学岩士工程系系主任、新西兰奥克兰大学高级讲师、澳大利亚莫纳什大学研究员。二十五年来,主要从事多场耦合下的土体物理力学特性研究,具体方向包括:核废料处理技术、甲烷水合物开采技术能源地下结构与工程、土体改良技术、填埋衬砌系统等。担任匹个国际或地区学报编委。先后主持科研基金9项,研究经费超过100 万澳元,在岩土领域国际著名期刊上发表论文100余篇,被引用超过 2000 次。其中,2007年于Canadian Geotechnical Journal 期刊上发表的饱和土体热力学本构模型被国际公认为该领域的先进模型之一,2008年于Geotextilesand Geomembranes 期刊上发表的论文被评为该期刊最优秀的五篇论文之一。