研究方向 非线性动力学、振动与控制、桥梁多灾害分析、索结构建模与分析、高性能材料及其工程应用 科研项目 1. 江苏省高等学校基础科学(自然科学)研究面上项目, 2024.09~2026.09, 主持 2. 山区桥梁及隧道工程国家重点实验室开放课题,2024.09~2026.09,主持 3. 辽宁省储能与能源利用技术重点实验室开放课题,2024.07~2026.07,主持 4. 苏州科技大学科研启动基金2022.10~2025.10,主持 5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2025.01~2027.01, 参与 6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2019.01~2021.12, 参与 7. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目, 2019.01~2022.12, 参与
横向服务 1. 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司技术服务项目,2024.07~2025.05,主持 代表性论著 [1] Yang QS*, Xu L(徐亮), Hui Y, Li Huihui,Qin JW. Modeling of wedge-pin joint for the dynamic analysis of a planar temporary demountable structure. Advances in Structural Engineering , 2021, 24(5): 929–946. (SCI/EI收录) [2] Xu L(徐亮), Hui Y*, Yang QS, Chen ZQ, Law SS. Modeling and modal analysis of suspension bridge based on continual formula method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 2022, 162: 107855.(SCI/EI收录) [3] Wang, C., Li, H., Xu, L.*(徐亮), Xu, K., Zhao, L. and Chen, Q., 2025. Seismic performance of PS-CFST bridge piers with novel external replaceable energy dissipating devices. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 224, p.109156.(SCI/EI收录) [4] Li, X.Z., Xiao, X.P., Xie, K.*, Yang, H.F., Xu, L*(徐亮). and Li, T.F., 2024. A generalizable parameter calibration framework for discrete element method and application in the compaction of red-bed soft rocks. Construction and Building Materials, 444, p.137734.(SCI/EI收录) [5] Xu L(徐亮), Hui Y*, Liu G, Qin JW. Internal resonance of generalized suspension bridge model considering torsional-vertical vibration. Structures, 2023, 47: 1754–1776.(SCI/EI收录) [6] Hui Y, Xu L*(徐亮), Jiang Y. Nonlinear torsional primary resonance analysis of suspension bridge with generalized configuration using mathematical model. Engineering Structures,2022, 255: 113935.(SCI/EI收录) [7] Xu L(徐亮), Hui Y*, Li K. Non-linear dynamic analysis on a continuum suspension bridge model with spatial layout of main cables. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2021: 2250041. (SCI/EI收录) [8] Xu L(徐亮), Hui Y*, Zhu WD, Hua XG. Three-to-one internal resonance analysis for a suspension bridge with spatial cable through a continuum model. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids , 2021, 90: 104354.(SCI/EI收录) [9] Zhuang Y, Wu K, Xu L*(徐亮), et al. Investigation on Flooding-Resistant Performance of Integral Abutment and Jointless Bridge. Advances in Civil Engineering.2020 Feb 21;2020.(SCI/EI收录) [10] Hui Y*. and Xu L(徐亮), 2024. Parametric analysis of the nonlinear primary resonance of spatial cable suspension bridges. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 40(2).(EI收录) [11] Zhao LC*, Xu L (徐亮), Zeng HT. Thermal buckling of temperature-dependent FG-CNT reinforced composite conical-conical joined shell using GDQ. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024 Dec 1;205:112320.(SCI/EI收录) [12]Zhao, L.C*. and Xu, L. (徐亮), 2024. Experimental investigation on mechanical response of soil reinforced by carbon nanotubes and silica dioxide nanoparticles. Construction and Building Materials, 415, p.134203. (SCI/EI收录) [13]Zhao, LC*., Karimi, S. and Xu, L. (徐亮), 2023. An experimental investigation of static and fatigue behavior of various adhesive single lap joints under bending loads subjected to hygrothermal and thermal conditions. The Journal of Adhesion, pp.1-22.(SCI/EI收录) [14]Hui Y*, Xia C, Li K, Qin JW, Xu L(徐亮). Modal characteristic and nonlinear dynamic response of suspension bridge with lateral asymmetric stiffness. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2022: S0219455423501109.(SCI/EI收录) [15]Han L, Zhang W*, Wang L, Fu J, Xu L (徐亮), Wang Y. A reliability analysis framework coupled with statistical uncertainty characterization for geotechnical engineering. Geoscience Frontiers. 2024 Aug 22:101913.(SCI/EI收录) [16]Chen, L*., Jiang, L., Kang, X., Hu, X., Huang, X., Xu, L. (徐亮), Sun, L., Wang, L., Tian, Y. and Zhai, C., 2022. Seismic response of benchmark high-speed rail (HSR) round-ended rectangular-shaped cross-section solid (RERSCSS) concrete pier based on the shaking table tests. Scientific reports, 12(1), p.19611.(SCI/EI收录) [17]Hui, Y*., Xia, C., Li, K., Qin, J. and Xu, L. (徐亮), 2023. Modal characteristic and nonlinear dynamic response of suspension bridge with lateral asymmetric stiffness. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 23(10), p.2350110.(SCI/EI收录) [18]Hui Y*., Xie P., Ruan Q., Zhu W. and Xu L. (徐亮), 2023. An efficient extended IHB method for non-linear dynamic analysis with multi-frequency harmonic excitations using an auto adapted truncation technique. Acta Mechanica, 234(12), pp.6271-6295.(SCI/EI收录) [19]Xia Chao, Xu, L(徐亮,报告人),2022. Control Performance of Pendulum TMD with additional stopper for string. WCSCM-8th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring.(国际会议) [20]Li HH., Li LF*., Wu W., Xu L. (徐亮) ,2020. Seismic fragility assessment framework for highway bridges based on an improved uniform design-response surface model methodology. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,(SCI/EI收录) [21]Li HH., Li LF*., Zhou G., Xu L. (徐亮),2020. Effects of various modeling uncertainty parameters on the seismic response and seismic fragility estimates of the aging highway bridges. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. (SCI/EI收录) [22]Li HH, Li LF*., Zhou G., Xu L. (徐亮),2020. Time-dependent seismic fragility assessment for aging highway bridges subject to non-uniform chloride-induced corrosion. Journal of Earthquake Engineering.(SCI/EI收录) [23]Chen J., Luo X*., Zhuang Y., Xu L.(徐亮) , Luo X.,2019. Experimental study on dynamic response characteristics of rpc and rc micro piles in sajbs. Applied Sciences.(SCI/EI收录) [24]Li HH, Li LF*., Zhou G., Xu L.(徐亮),2020. Seismic response and fragility estimates of highway bridges considering various modeling uncertainty parameters. Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. (EI收录) [25]徐亮,回忆*,阮其攀,等.空间索面悬索桥数学建模及弯扭耦合颤振分析[C]//中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会.第九届全国结构抗振控制与健康监测学术会议摘要集.重庆大学GG Poker下载
;,2023:1.. [26]回忆*,阮其攀,徐亮.滞回TMD的非线性动力特性研究[C]//中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会.第九届全国结构抗振控制与健康监测学术会议摘要集.重庆大学GG Poker下载
;,2023:1. [27]庄一舟*,徐亮,程俊峰,赖焕林.(2017).简支梁桥桥面连续结构力学特性理论分析.中国公路学报(07),73-85. .(EI收录) [28]庄一舟*,徐亮,黄炎准.(2016).一种半整体式桥台桥梁搭板的内力计算方法.建筑科学与工程学报(05),35-43. [29]庄一舟*,徐亮,任卫岗,赖焕林,傅珠梅.(2016).整体式桥台无缝桥梁抗洪性能分析.福州大学学报(自然科学版)(04),472-479+4 86. [30]庄一舟*,徐亮,黄福云,杨成威.(2016).空心板简支梁桥无缝连续化改造支座选择优化分析.福州大学学报(自然科学版)(04),487-496. [31]庄一舟*,徐亮,黄福云, 傅珠梅.(2016).整体式桥台桥梁抗洪性能参数分析.福州大学学报(自然科学版)(04),497-503. [32]庄一舟*,李增锋,程俊峰,徐亮.(2017).半整体式桥台无缝化斜交桥的抗震性能分析.建筑科学与工程学报(03),24-30. [33]林上顺,陈国栋,庄一舟*,黄福云,徐亮.(2019).RPC微型桩动力响应特性振动台试验研究.公路交通科技(02),36-42. 授权专利 [1] 徐亮, 庄一舟,任卫刚,等. 半整体无缝桥梁搭板的内力计算和设计方法[P]. CN105528469B,2019. [2] 徐亮,庄一舟,黄福云,等.一种碳纤维管混凝土直接嵌入基座的连接构造及其施工方法[P].CN201510600623.7,2015-12-30. [3] 庄一舟,徐亮,等.用H型混凝土桩改善整体式桥台支撑桩受力性能的方法[P].CN201510060248.1,2016-05-04. [4] 赵立财,徐亮,胡兴鹏,等.灌注桩侧后注浆装置[P].CN202120803103.7,2021-11-30. [5] 赵立财,徐亮,贾志刚,等.用于解决隧道仰拱上浮的微型桩补强结构[P].CN202020514153.9,2021-01-05. [6] 庄一舟,丘能,徐亮,陈云,赖焕林. 一种基于复合柔性桩的整体式桥台桥梁构造及其施工方法[P]. CN104612142A,2015. 庄一舟,程俊峰,徐亮,等.桩与桩帽柔性连接结构及施工方法[P].CN201610420237.4,2017-11-17.
奖励荣誉 江苏省“科技副总”人才计划(2024) 第三届桥梁工程教师教学创新比赛三等奖(2024) 高等学校交通运输与工程专业教材建设委员会 工程建设科学技术进步二等奖(2019 5/10) 中国施工管理协会