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2017.092023.06 重庆大学 土木工程专业 博士(硕博连读)

2013.092017.06 山东科技大学 土木工程专业(辅修国际经济与贸易) 本科


2023.08~至今 苏州科技大学 道路桥梁与岩土工程系 讲师












(1) 天然气水合物勘查开发国家工程研究中心开放基金, 2024.05-2025.05, 主持

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2021.01-2024.12, 参与



[1]      Han, L., Zhang, W.G. *, Wang, L., Fu, J., Xu, L., Wang, Y., 2024. A reliability analysis framework coupled with statistical uncertainty characterization for geotechnical engineering. Geoscience Frontiers 15, 101913.

[2]      Han, L., Jiang, M.J, Zhang, W.G. *, Yang, L., 2024. Similarity characterization of geotechnical engineering sites under the site-specific data scenario. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 83, 504.

[3]      Han, L., Liu, H.J., Zhang, W.G. *, Wang, L., 2023. A comprehensive comparison of copula models and multivariate normal distribution for geo-material parametric data. Computers and Geotechnics 164, 105777.

[4]      Han, L., Wang, L., Ding, X.M., Wen, H.J., Yuan, X.Z., Zhang, W.G. *, 2022. Similarity quantification of soil parametric data and sites using confidence ellipses. Geoscience Frontiers 13, 101280.

[5]      Han, L., Wang, L., Zhang, W.G. *, Geng, B.M., Li, S., 2022. Rockhead profile simulation using an improved generation method of conditional random field. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14, 896-908.

[6]      Han, L., Wang, L., Zhang, W.G. *, Chen, Z.X., 2022. Quantification of statistical uncertainties of unconfined compressive strength of rock using Bayesian learning method. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards 16, 37-52.

[7]      Han, L., Liu, H.L., Zhang, W.G. *, Ding, X.M., Chen, Z.X., Feng, L., Wang, Z.Y., 2022. Seismic behaviors of utility tunnel-soil system: with and without joint connections. Underground Space 7, 798–811.

[8]      Han, L., Wu, C.Z., Zhang, W.G.*, Goh, A.T.C., Wang, L., Wang, Z.Y., 2021. Estimation of compressibility of Bukit Timah Granitic residual soils in Singapore and variability analysis. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 16, 327-342.

[9]      Zhang, W.G., Han, L., Feng, L., Ding, X.M., Wang, L., Chen, Z.X., Liu, H.L. *, Aljarmouzi, A., Sun, W., 2020. Study on seismic behaviors of a double box utility tunnel with joint connections using shaking table model tests. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136, 106118.

[10]   Zhang, W.G. *, Han, L., Gu, X., Wang, L., Chen, F.Y., Liu, H.L., 2022. Tunneling and deep excavations in spatially variable soil and rock masses: a short review. Underground Space 7, 380-407.

[11]   Zhang, W.G., Han, L., Wang, Z., Liu, H.L. *, Wang, L., Gao, X.C., 2023. Generation of 3D geotechnical particles using random angular bend algorithm. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 47, 1313-1330.

[12]   Zhang, W.G., Han, L., Zong, Z.X., Zhang, Y.M.*, 2021. Digitalization of mechanical and physical properties of Singapore Bukit Timah Granite Rocks based on borehole data from four sites. Underground Space 6, 483-491.

[13]   Zhang, W.G., Li, H.R., Han, L., Chen, L.L., Wang, L. *, 2022. Slope stability prediction using ensemble learning techniques: A case study in Yunyang County, Chongqing, China. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14, 1089-1099.

[14]   蒋明镜, 张卢丰, 韩亮*, 姜朋明, 2024. 基于符号回归算法的结构性砂土损伤规律研究. 岩土力学 45, 3768-3778.

[15]   仉文岗, 韩亮, 陈志雄, 冯立, 丁选明, 刘汉龙*, 2020. 双仓综合管廊抗震性能模型试验研究. 岩土工程学报 42, 100-108.



[1] 发明专利(ZL2020105189848):一种基于多源信息的土水特征曲线不确定性定量表征方法

[2] 发明专利(ZL2018100222486):一种用于监测桥墩周围土体侵蚀流失的光纤传感装置及其制造方法

[3] 软件著作权(2022SR1121773):基于约翰逊分布体系的数据标准化软件V1.0

[4] 软件著作权(2021SR1118301):离散二维数据相似度分析软件V2.0

[5] 软件著作权(2021SR0978317):利用有限钻孔数据的岩床轮廓反演软件V1.0

[6] 软件著作权(2020SR1108967):岩土工程勘察钻孔数据统计不确定性表征软件V1.0



技术服务项目, 深海水合物开采诱发海底滑坡风险研究, 2023.12-2024.12, 主持



