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2000.04~2004.04  中科院上海硅酸盐研究所 材料科学与工程 博士

1997.09~2000.03  西北工业大学 材料科学与工程 硕士

1994.09~1997.07  西北工业大学 铸造 本科


2010.07~至今  苏州科技大学 GG Poker下载 讲师

2007.09~2010.06  上海交通大学 微纳米科学技术研究院  博士后

2006.01~2007.07  法国阿海珐苏州高压电气开关有限公司, 高级技术支持工程师

2004.04~2005.12  通用电气(中国)研究与开发中心有限公司,研发工程师



· 无机非金属材料工学

· 复合材料导论

· 土木工程材料B

· 土木工程材料C

· 专业外语






· 碳化物陶瓷及其复合材料的制备,苏州科技大学校内基金,2018年,主持人;

· 金属性与半导体性碳纳米管连续性介电泳分离研究,中科院上海硅酸盐研究所国家重点实验室开放课题基金,2014~2016,主持者;

· 碳纳米管增强铜互联材料研究,上海应用材料研究发展基金(2008-2009),第3参与人

· C/SiC复合材料的抗氧化研究,国防科工委资助基金(1997-2000),第4参与人;

· 陶瓷/金属复合材料电化学制备方法,自然科学基金(2001-2004),第3参与人。


1.  You, Chang; Jiang Dongliang; Tan Shouhong. Electrophoretic deposition of TiC thick films from an organic suspension. Ceramics International, vol 30/5, pp. 813-815, 2004

2.  You, Chang; Jiang Dongliang; Tan Shouhong. Deposition of silicon carbide/titanium carbide laminar ceramics by electrophoresis and densification by spark plasma sintering. Journal of American Ceramic Society, 87 (4): 759-761 APR 2004

3. Xu, Yongdong; Cheng, Laifei; Zhang, Litong; Yan, Dantao; You, Chang Optimization of sample number for Weibull function of brittle materials strength. Ceramics International Volume: 27, Issue: 2, 2001, pp. 239-241

4.  Xu, Yongdong; Cheng, Laifei; Zhang, Litong; Yin, Hongfeng; Yin, Xiaowei; You, Chang.  Effects of chemical vapor infiltration atmosphere on the mechanical properties and microstructure of carbon fibers. Journal of the European Ceramic Society Volume: 21, Issue: 6, June, 2001, pp. 809-816

5.  Yin, Xiaowei; Cheng, Laifei; Zhang, Litong; Xu, Yongdong; You, Chang. Microstructure and oxidation resistance of carbon/silicon carbide composites infiltrated with chromium silicide. Materials Science and Engineering: A Volume: 290, Issue: 1-2, October 15, 2000, pp. 89 – 94

6. You, Chang; Zhang, Litong;Xu, Yongdong; Cheng, Laifei; Yin, Xiaowei;  The oxidation behavior of 3-D C/SiC composites with and without Si-Mo coating, Symposia proceedings of C-MRS, 2000, Beijing

7. You, Chang; Jiang Dongliang; Tan Shouhong, Sun Ying, Study on the electrophoretic deposition of TiC thick film, Acta ceramics, 5 (2001), 9-12

8. You, Chang; Jiang Dongliang; Tan Shouhong, Influence of surface modification on the non-aqueous electrophoretic deposition of alumina, The New Progress on Material Science and Engineering’ 2002, edit by C-MRS, 1411-1414

9. Ping Liu ;  Jiahao Wu ;  Dong Xu ;  Yuanzhi Pan ;  Chang You ;  Yafei Zhang    CNTs/Cu composite thin films fabricated by electrophoresis and electroplating techniques, Nanoelectronics Conference, 2008. INEC 2008. 2nd IEEE International, p975-978

10. Lu Jia, Yafei Zhang,  Jinyong Li, Chang You, and Erqing Xie, Aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes by Langmuir–Blodgett technique, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104, 074318, 2008


