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      职        称:讲师
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2017.03~2021.08    东南大学 土木工程材料 博士(硕博连读)

2015.09~2017.03    东南大学 土木工程材料 硕士

2011.09~2015.06    东南大学 材料科学与工程 学士


2021.12~至今 苏州科技大学 材料工程系 讲师


担任《Construction and Building Materials》、《Scientific Reports》等学术期刊审稿人



· 无机材料物理性能

· 材料概论



1. 碱激发胶凝材料水化过程机理研究

2. 固体废弃物利用

3. 碱激发胶凝体系中钢筋腐蚀行为研究


1. 973项目,项目名称:“严酷环境下混凝土材料与结构长寿命的基础研究”,子课题:“基于无损监测的严酷环境下混凝土材料劣化时变规律与模型研究”,参与

2. 中日合作项目:“基于海绵城市建设的多路径资源再生混凝土技术与应用”,参与

3. 青年学者项目:“Mechanical behavior of novel FRP-waste-based concrete composite structural systems under different loading conditions”,参与


1. Nanqiao You, Jinjie Shi, and Yamei Zhang. Electrochemical performance of low-alloy steel and low-carbon steel immersed in the simulated pore solutions of alkali-activated slag/steel slag pastes in the presence of chlorides. Corrosion Science, (2022): 110438. (1区SCI IF:7.720)

2. Nanqiao You, Jinjie Shi, and Yamei Zhang. Corrosion behaviour of low-carbon steel reinforcement in alkali-activated slag-steel slag and Portland cement-based mortars under simulated marine environment. Corrosion Science, (2020): 108874. (1区SCI IF:7.720)

3. Nanqiao You, Yongchao Liu, Dawei Gu, Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Jinlong Pan, Yamei Zhang. Rheology, shrinkage and pore structure of alkali-activated slag-fly ash mortar incorporating copper slag as fine aggregate. Construction and Building Materials, 242 (2020): 118029. (1区SCI IF:7.693)

4. Nanqiao You, Baoliang Li, Ruilin Cao, Jinjie Shi, Chun Chen, Yamei Zhang. The influence of steel slag and ferronickel slag on the properties of alkali-activated slag mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 227 (2019): 116614. (1区SCI IF: 7.693)

5. Nanqiao You, Guorui Zhu, Tongtong He, Yamei Zhang. Effect of pre-drying temperature on carbonation of alkali-activated slag pastes. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 34.6 (2022): 04022091. (2区SCI IF:3.651)

6. Zhenzhong Chen, Nanqiao You, Chun Chen, Yamei Zhang. Properties of dredged sludge solidified with alkali-activated slag-based materials and blended with copper slag as fine aggregates of mortars. Construction and Building Materials, 312 (2021): 125459. (共同一作, 1区SCI IF: 7.693)

7. Baoliang Li, Ruilin Cao, Nanqiao You, Chun Chen, Yamei Zhang. Products and properties of steam cured cement mortar containing lithium slag under partial immersion in sulfate solution. Construction and Building Materials, 220 (2019): 596-606. (1区SCI IF: 7.693)

8. Cao, Ruilin, Baoliang Li, Nanqiao You, Yamei Zhang, Zuhua Zhang. Properties of alkali-activated ground granulated blast furnace slag blended with ferronickel slag. Construction and Building Materials, 192 (2018): 123-132. (1区SCI IF: 7.693)

